Hi, I have a FWF-60D, firmware 6.0.2 with a FTTH 600Mb/600Mb, the
problem is bandwidth through it. I did a test on website speedtest.net
and result is 160Mb/140MB more o less. Does it have a limit on wan port?
I have configured it pppoe. Thanks a lot...
The question are which is the difference between dhcp server started or
not ? Why it reduces bandwidth? If I change mode to interface mode How
can I bind Wi-Fi with the lan. thanks
Thanks for reply, you can believe it. I have enabled dhcp server and I
do a test on website www.speedtest.com or another place the result is
175mb / 170mb more or less then I turn off dchp server a test and result
is 300mb / 290mb. thanks