I've search all over the place and try everything I could to find where
am I doing wrong. I hope you can help me to check where the problem is.
So I have fortigate FG30E, let's called Site1 (IP And there is
another fortigate called Site2 (I...
this is the result of :# get system statusVersion: FortiGate-30E
v6.2.5,build1142,200819 (GA) Virus-DB: 85.00790(2021-04-28 15:21)
Extended DB: 81.00850(2020-11-15 07:19) IPS-DB: 18.00063(2021-04-21
01:15) IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00) APP-DB: ...
By changing the interface from "CBN.iNET" to "WAN" on the VPN IPSec
Tunnel configuration has cause the log generate different message now
==========# show vpn ipsec phase1-interface MY_VPN config vpn ipsec
phase1-interface edit "MY_VPN" set interface...
I've asked the opposite to change the request. Now the log has changed
ike 0: comes>,ifindex=12.... ike 0: IKEv2
exchange=SA_INIT id=1bc042eb75fdaebe/0000000000000000 len=260 ike 0: in
my fortigate don't have "show firewall policy" instead it is "show
firewall security-policy". Here is it # show firewall security-policy 33
config firewall security-policy edit 33 set uuid
eabc671a-a6fc-51eb-306a-97212015e312 set name "SITE1_TO_SITE2...