I have a point to point that terminates on a 1500D running 5.4.2. This
point to point is 50Mbps and I need to run some QoS so I set the
interfaxe "outbandwidth" to 50000 and set some traffic shaping policies
to prioritize traffic. I noticed that offi...
We're getting this same issue. We have been getting a lot of timed out
request and if I bi-pass the DNS filter everything works fine. We also
do not use Fortinets DNS servers. The box doing our filtering is a 1500D
and there's no issues with resource...
The other side of the point to point is a 200D running 5.2.7. We applied
the same command on that side and I get the entire 50Mbps. So it appears
to be a 1500D or 5.4.2 issue.