Hey all, I’m new to fortigate products and I’m trying to get a second
subnet created. My first subnet is set up on lan hardware switch to port
1 which I have enabled some security policies that block all access to
the internet and only allows me to c...
Hey guys. Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I’m going threw
the same thing. I have my firewall behind a wireless router that’s
connected to a isp modem. I’m having the same issue going on as
described in the thread. My wan port is connected...
Hey Tishi, I’ve got it set up and working properly. I had done just what
you had said to do with the help of a forti rep. My first subnet
lan=hardware switch is on port1 and had all four ports on that subnet by
default. I had some hacker issues while...
Hello and thanks for your reply. I do have a smaller model..30E and yes,
all the ports are in there by default like you said. What I have tried
is to remove lan2, give it and address and set up policies. Which
incoming interface to use lan hard switc...
Hey cForti, I’ve been trying to get my AP up and running as well. Just
bought it on e-bay. I hear I have to create a ticket to transfer
ownership before I can get it configured. So, I’m working on that. Lmk
if you get it up and running. What instruct...
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