While trying to generate a report. remains running. but it seems to be
created by looking at the event log side. But I can not see it in the
reports section. What could be the problem?Forti 90d Versiyon :
v5.2.10,build742 (GA)
Hello there,I use a 90d firewall. However, when I make vpn with mac, if
local modem is default gateway "" I can not access to vpn
even if vpn is connected.But if the default gateway "" is
different, I live in trouble on the mac....
Hello there,I am using Fortinet 90d. However, I get the error on the
webfilter and log view side of the users.And even if I change the groups
of users, I get the old rule and the information from the old server.
can you help me ?
Yes, I am sure. But the problem is that when I look at the user logs, it
shows the sites and applications I normally go to. But now it comes as
unknown what is the reason for it.