The default self-signed certificate Fortinet_CA_Untrusted seems to be an
issue, the WAD application debug (attached) shows failure of SSL proxy
because of it. I know how to replace it with a CA-Signed certificate,
however its preferred to fix the pro...
Hi lbnmpa,I had your question, couldn't find any answer in the Hansbook,
but i reached this conclusion from testing.When you configure the portal
from the GUI, the "Source IP Pools" field is required, so the "Address
Range" in the VPN Settings is not...
Thank you Baptiste,What you mentioned is definitely required, but this
is the second step. First step is to provide a replacement Cert,
CA-Signed or self-signed. After that you can point to it, and the config
you post shows this. The way i know, and ...
Thanks Blackhole.However this is a course lab, which need to run on
certain release, so was hoping to find an easy workaround which makes
sense on the same release, by replacing the build-in untrusted with a
true self-signed (not CA signed) certifica...