1 - we have fortimail 2000a & microsoft exchange related to the same
domain 2 - some mailboxes exist on fortimail and others on exchange 3 -
for example how to deliver mails from x@abc.com on fortimail to
y@abc.com on exchange Note : 1 - fortimail co...
while we apply application control profile, we block proxy category but
some users in network use tor browser as proxy and it can bypass profile
and fortigate can't stop it i want to know reason for this issue
at first many thanks for u all , after follow release notes i know that
openssl issues solved in some patches so i will upgrade to solve our
issues but i want to know if can i use any thing instead openssl through
fortimail ?
at first thank u for ur response but i don't undestand first point about
number of mailboxes so according to attached file, fortimail 1000D is
for Mid to large enterprise, education and government departments with
up to3,000 users but number of mailb...