When one updates the Fortinet SSL VPN client, the start menu shortcut is
re-created with the icon location pointing to (for example)
Whenever the client is updated t...
OK, I just upgraded my Verizon FIOS to a block of five fixed IPs. Their
documentation is nonexistent but I think I' ve got a handle on it. I
want to have two Web servers behind the Fortigate. So here' s how I
think it should work: The Verizon ActionT...
Fortigate 50B 3.00-b0726(MR7). Since there are sometimes issues with my
IPSec VPN, I thought I' d try out an SSL VPN. I set it up per the
documentation: a user group that is authenticated by my LDAP server, an
" SSL Internal network" address of 192.1...
Well, I can import it as a remote certificate, but not as a local
certificate. I tried all three versions. And I can' t use a remote
certificate for SSL VPN.
No, it' s a standard SSL multiple domain (UCC). It happens to have four
subdomains attached to it. I tried importing the cert as supplied by
GoDaddy and as exported from IIS.
OK, it' s all working now. FWIW, I didn' t have to clone the ActionTec
MAC. So I just hooked both routers and the FIOS feed to a switch, gave
the ActionTec the last fixed IP address, and now I' m managing the first
four IP addresses in the Fortigate....
Well, I certainly could dump the ActionTec, but then how do I program
the Fortigate? Put the first static IP as the WAN1 IP and add the other
static IPs as virtual IPs?