I have an issue where we would like to prevent people from installing
the SSLVPN client on their home computers and gaining access through to
our systems in tunnel mode. What I would like to do is to configure the
SSLVPN to carry out a “RegKey Check”...
Post installing FortiGate 5.2.1 on our Firewall, when trying to connect
using the FortiClient 5.0.7 client, the error message “Unable to logon
to the server. Your user name or password may not be configured properly
for this connection. (-12)” appear...
I’m trying to create an SSL VPN where you use a Radius Server for
Authentication and then depending on LDAP group membership, it will
display the appropriate Web Portal and I’m struggling to say the
least. I have tried this on 5.0.9 and on the ne...
OK this feature does not behave as you would expect it to but I do have
this working now. When you create the regkey on the laptop such as
following example:-HKLM\SOFTWARE\ABC\RegkeyCheck\123456 You need to
configure the vpn ssl web host-check-softwa...
This is getting interesting now. I configured the Host Checking part as
below:- config vpn ssl web host-check-software edit RegKeyCheck config
check-item-list edit 1 set action require set type registry set target
Hmmm I managed to apply the host-check-policy to the SSLweb portal but I
now seem to get an error with blah blah blah (-7006) which is a host
does not meet the requirement. Either my syntax is incorrect or the
firewall cant read the regkey even thoug...
I have managed to start testing this today and I've done a new portal
etc... and have configured the information, but I cant see where you
associate the regkey check policy against the SSL VPN Portal. Has this
moved in 5.2.1?