Hi guys, According to my last post, I faced with another problem with
Fortigate 300C. when I want to import the generated Certificate into
Local Certificates of Fortigate, the Fortigate accept it but it doesn' t
show on Certificate list !!! Why??? Pl...
Hi all, I have a following problem. I use FortiGate 300C. When SSL
content inspection for HTTPS (deep scan) is enabled on a FortiGate, the
web browsers will usually prompt a warning message if the Certificate
Authority for the default certificate use...
Hi emnoc, I run your suggested commands and the result as follows : 1-
After issue the get vpn certificate local command: # get vpn certificate
local == [ Fortinet_Factory ] name: Fortinet_Factory == [
Fortinet_Factory2 ] name: Fortinet_Factory2 == [...
Thanks for yor reply Dear emnoc, I' ve created a two Cert.crt and
server.key files with OpenSSL tool (two files with .key and .crt
extensions) from my Win7 certificate.After import of those files into
Fortigate(the Certificate choosing in dropdown li...
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