Hey, So we are getting two internet connections (Primary/Secondary) from
a Single Service Provider. SP provides a single Public ASN.He provides
two sets of /30 addresses for the two interfaces and a single /29 LAN
Subnet. Need to terminate the two li...
we have a couple of isp. Incase ISP1 fails the traffic doesnt switch
automatically to ISP2. We will have to manually move the policy route
above the ISP1 policy. Why is this happening. We have 4 ISP's on the box
and some 80 vlans. Everytime we are mo...
Hello Folks, Say we have a 50MB internet pipe. We do traffic shaping and
i give 10 MB guaranteed bandwidth to a group. Say only 5 MB is being
used of this 10MB and my internet pipe is maxxed now, will other users
be able to use this 5mb which is not ...
Dear Yuri, Thanks for your response. How do I pass as
connected ? Also, if I enable "resdistribute connected", I have other
links coming up (a couple of MPLS), will these be redistributed as well
? If yes, How do I avoid them ? Thanks f...