Hi Experts, Found that the 4 spam emails I received have similar header
info as below:the hops shown look like :Received: from
wrqvqthz.outbound-mail.sendgrid.net ( by ….Received: from
wrqvdrfk.outbound-mail.sendgrid.net (
Hi experts, I am totally new to Fortigate, would like to ask a question
here. My customer's company use application to send out PO(Purchase
Order) to my colleagues' email addresses, but the colleague didn't
receive that email sent by the Customer PO
Hi Dave, SW2090 and Yurisk, Thank you for your time and sharing various
methods to fix it. Yes, non-delivery report is common practice, we have
set logging at fortigate. The reality is this case is not technical but
in the business world in my area, ...