Hi,i have these firewall in a test setup (for production) and each has a
basic setup.Internal LAN with DHCP, two WAN interfaces, a SD-WAN setup,
a single firewall rule for internet traffic.A simple
static route using SD-WAN and a IP P...
Thanks for the information.Currently only the 80F model replies on a
internal ping to a IP Pool address and the 120g doesn´t. Yesterday i
configured a VLAN with the IP Range i need and added a second IP address
to this VLAN. From the other side of th...
all tested at 80G Now, i created a VLAN5 with interface IP created a new rule 'VLAN5', allow traffic from internal to
VLAN5 with source/destination and can ping the VLAN5 interface from internal if enabled.Now i ...
You say, i should ping from a device connected to the source
interface.Source if would be internal (or any) and should be able to
ping the IP Pool address from any client connected to the source
interface and with a proper route to this IP Pool addre...
Yes, I have to admit that the config of the 80F and the 120G are complex
and differ. First there was a factory reset. On the 80F the WAN1 port
was then configured with DHCP, but on the 120G port2 was configured with
DHCP for the WAN connection. There...