Hi, I am using fortinet firewall in my environment. i want to configure
redundant ipsec vpn on the firewall. can anybody guide me how can i do
that ? if one ipsec vpn is down then traffic will shift to another ipsec
vpn. thanks.
Hi All, I am using Fortigate 30E with version 5.6.7. i want to make
remote ip sec vpn through cisco anyconnect software. After doing all
configurations on firewall when i am going to connect with cisco any
connect software it does not connect. and sh...
Hi, I am applying application control policy (To block Facebook and
Youtube applications) with SSL inspection enabled on the firewall. When
i am applying the policy on the firewall after that Some Finance and
Banking websites have been blocked automa...
i think this thing is only used when we using the Deep SSL inspection. I
am simply using the SSL inspection only. Does the exempt policy also
applied to the SSL inspection ?