This post is tied to another one (see link to post below) I made
regarding using the ISP DNS servers for DNS resolution rather than
FortiGuard DNS servers or having to specify the DNS ISP servers IP
addresses manually in the Fortigate DNS settings. T...
I have a Fortigate with a LAN interface with a static IP address (no
DHCP enabled) which provides internet services to my internal network.
The LAN interface is set up as a "DNS Service on Interface" which
forwards any host DNS queries to the system ...
Thank you very much @Toshi_Esumi! When you mentioned the command diag
sniffer packet, I thought you meant to use Wireshark to capture traffic
(which I tried form my client device but did not reveal anything) as I
wasn't aware FortiOS was capable of s...
Hi @Toshi_Esumi thank you very much for your reply. My ISO DNS server
does show up indeed as the first entry but how may I succesffuly capture
the traffic to be sure that is the server being used? I have used
Wireshark on my client device and capture...
Thank you very much @jintrah_FTNT but is there a way for me to find this
explicitly stated in the Fortigate settings or any command which can be
run in my hosts machine to find out for sure? I mean, when I run
nslookup in my host, I only get the IP a...