Hi All: Hoping someone can help. My internet service is 300 Down / 40
Up. Not sure why, but I am only getting 20 up behind the Fortigate. Here
is what I observed / tried so far. 1. Getting 40 at the Modem in front
of the Fortigate2. Tried a switch be...
What's up all. Novice at networking here, bear with me. Trying to dump
my cheap home firewalls and go with the real thing. Looking to purchase
a Fortigate Firewall and Catalyst 1200 Series Switch. Pretty basic
setup. I need to:Create VLANS and have t...
Hey Varun, Thanks for your help. I answered @Toshi_Esumi as well, and
wanted your thoughts on these questions. 1. Not too familiar with
configuring zones. Would I have a separate zone for each VLAN, or would
there be 1 zone for VLANS and another for ...
Hey Toshi, Thanks very much. I understand terminology and basic network
config but am far from a Network Technician. Thanks for the vote of
confidence, nonetheless. I am going to trunk from the switch to the
firewall and let the firewall handle polic...