Hi,We have a FG1500D that has lots of VDOMs set up for lots of
customers. And now we have noticed that if I´m connected to one of these
VDOMs I can´t connect to another VDOMs SSL-VPN using FortiClient. It
just hangs at around 40% then timeouts. If I ...
We have solved this now.I tested this from different VDOMs both as
source and target and came to the conclusion that it this specific
source VDOM that has this issue.We noticed that SSL-inspection was ON
for the outgoing policy and when we disabled S...
Well, when a SSLVPN connection works it just gives a lot more messages
and continuing with key exchanges and so on. Nothing there tells me what
the problem is.So I think it is a network issues somewhere. I will test
doing this between some other VDOM...
Ok, did some googling.Typed "diagnose debug enable" and then I got some
live logs.So when I tried connecting I got these that are
related:;--[326:VDOM-845:88d4]allocSSLConn:295 sconn 0x7f8a6a9a9400
(116:VDOM-845) [326:VDOM-845:88d4]SSL state:before S...
Yes, those two public ips are in the same subnet.Where do I see those
new logs after I activate it using "diag debug app sslvpn -1"?Advanced
diags on a Fortigate is not my strong side.. ;)
The VDOMs have separate WAN interfaces with their own public
ipaddresses. Not sure exactly now if the physical interfaces are
separated. I could check that if it would help. We have VLAN tags on the
external switches and I'm not sure how everything t...