We have some problems when connecting to a certain website, tabs are
loading intermittently but is loading fine to one of our office
overseas. We have Fortigate firewalls on both location and a VPN
configured to link both offices. Now, from Office A ...
Created the Phase 2 connection and Policy for both sites but couldn' t
produce a correct tracert on my working PC, tried tracerting the
websites IP address but it still returns my own Local public IP address.
I figured out that under VPN->Monitor->IP...
I managed to remove an active policy w/c interferes with my
pathping/tracert. I can execute the commands successfully but observed
I' m still ' routed' with my local ISP' s IP address. I can not see or
I' m not being tunnelled to the remote location ...
I created a second Phase 2 connection for both sites, followed every
instructions stated above for both source and destination addresses.
LOCAL LOCATION Phase 1: VPN HK -> There' s a phase 2 connection in here
so I created a second phase 2 connection...
No trick, just reverse the local FGT selectors. Could you a bit more
specific, please. Let' s make it a step-by-step process as I don' t like
to mess up the configuration. LOCAL LOCATION Phase 2 Source Address: Destination Address: IP...
This is a bit tricky: What setting will I place on the new Phase 2 for
the remote Fortigate? Phase 2 (Local) Source address: Our local IP range
( Destination address: IP range of website Phase 2
(Remote) Source address: ? Destination ...