Greetings Trusted Advisors! I manage a 60E that I created policies with
Virtual IPs to allow users to connect via RDP to their office PC (with
source filter to allow ONLY from their home IP). I'd like to create a
custom report to show as much informa...
Greetings all!I'm having an issue with a client's Fortigate 40c. I setup
the FortiCloud reporting and it was working fine, however I had an issue
where I restarted the unit for a disk check and it didn't come back
online. After cycling the power a fe...
Greetings Tech Wizards! Been a partner a few years and I have a number
of older models. Most are 40c or FWF 40 or 60 C. Prior to joining
FortiCloud I had upgraded one beyond 5.2 and had high CPU issues and had
to roll back. I have some newer units on...
Dave, Thanks very much. I will include the lifecycle in my
recommendations for 2019 budgets and probably recommend replacement
after the maintenance contracts are set to expire. Thanks again!Tom