Good afternoon,I have a slightly puzzling issue. I have setup a virtual
server to act as a load balancer to two real servers on our local LAN
(http & https traffic). This has been setup and working fine in active
standby mode. I have been able to swa...
Hi @hbac x.x.x.157 is the load balancer (virtual server) IP. IP of our
WAN is 62.x.x.32 (sorry for the x's but don't want to share all our
local and public IPs). Can I send you a private message with the output
of those commands?Thanks
Would be a lot easier right...Think it's definitely something to do with
NAT and fortigate virtual servers.I have a constant ping going to In the logs it looks like it can send but not receive any
packets:Real servers: x.x.x.155 & x.x.x.156L...