I'm running 5.4 It just came up that any internet browsing comes up as
being categorized as medium risk. I checked and the 'HTTP.BROWSER_IE'
application entry is indeed set this way by default. How can I change
it? At the bare minimum this makes my F...
I'm working on separating out the traffic we send to Office 365 with a
dedicated firewall rule so we can change how we handle some of our
logging.To this end I have a new rule at the top of the processing chain
going to 'outlook.office365.com'. This ...
So I have 5.4.1 and Wan LLB rules in play. One of these rules is based
on a FSSO group which routes said users out WAN1. I have another rule
here for a computer object "raka" that routes strictly out WAN2. When
signing in as the FSSO user on raka whi...
What defines a reputable website? With the new Reputable Websites option
in 5.4.1 I'd really like to understand what actually defines a reputable
website. I understand from the documentation that it is a "secure white
list database" of "reputable dom...
Great getting two totally opposite responses here.. Anyways I side with
MikePruett on this one. Generally the FQDN method works perfectly but in
cases where there is a large rotation it is definitely failing. Did some
digging on Microsoft's site and ...
Wow.. Looks like there isn't any way to resort these in the UI.. On a
whim I tried renaming the rule I wanted starting with '001'.. It didn't
change the display order in the Wan LLB Rules UI but it did definitely
push it to the top of the processing ...
telecosistem, thanks for the input but it doesn't really help describe
what this function would allow through unencrypted. A couple cases that
I would have thought should have been addressed - google.com and a
couple core addresses used for Skype for...