Hi @All,I have a strange problem. We roll out new devices replacing
Fortigates. Currently we are mainly using IPSec to connect from external
to our corporate network. As we are now using FortiOS 5 this stops
working. So DHCP over IPSec relay to inter...
Hi,looks to me like you are doing somewhere unwanted NAT.login to cli
and have a look on both ends what IP you will see on the interfaces.Make
sure that you tick "allow traffic to be initiated from the remote site"
at the policy on V5.X firewall.Othe...
Hi Phil,can the fortigate ping ie. it ping ie.
www.google.com?If both is possible then there might be something wrong
with your policies ... Just a quick thought where to start ;) Cheers,
Hi Jaures,and the firewall is default gateway for all the
clients/servers behind the firewall?And static routing is set as
well?Edge router needs a next hop routing for the DMZ and internal range
with fortigateis next hop device. To say it in general...
Hi,firewall in "NAT Mode" or "transparent"?You are routing IPs so DMZ
and internal are different networks?The edge router knows about the IPs
that are coming from Internal + DMZ? Cheers, patrick
Hi, get hardware nic wan1with get hardware nic ? you will get a list of
all interfaces you have.It's save and you can do that any time! Cheers,