Good day, We are currently experiencing VPN issues in our Office. We are
using Perimeter81, OpenVPN and Global Protect in our office set to Split
tunneling. We can connect to the VPN's successfully but are unable to
access anything when connected. Pl...
Good day All, I started experiencing an issue in office after upgrading
the FortiAP 431G firmware from 7.2.1 build 4789 to 7.4.2 build 0634. We
have servers hosted in AWS. To reach these servers we need to connect
via VPN. We have intermittend drops ...
Hi Team, I am currently experiencing a weird one , we have our internal
sites hosted in AWS with some servers being hosted there on VPN.During
the day we have intermittent drops to the site we trying to access but
only on certain access points in the...
Hi @amrit the issue with Debugging is that this is an intermittent issue
and happens at different times during the day to different access points
we have 12 listed in our workspace.We will have a look at when the issue
happens and provide feedback AS...
@hbac @srajapratap We have determined that its not a network issue as
anything else is accessible just our connection to the specific site,
the unfortunate part is the issue occurs at very erratic times , its no
fixed times at all and it happens to a...