@agrakov Do you have clearer pictures for this article you
I cannot see the pictures properly for the settings. As well, do y...
I have a Fortigate 30E. In the past, this device was not an issue.
However, I have had several Fortigates, 2 60E's and now a 30E. I have
had NIC's fail on these devices in the past. However, I want to confirm
an issue I am only RECENTLY having with m...
Hello Everyone, we switched to the Unifi Network Server (Unify
Controller): https://ui.com/download/releases/network-server and
Ubiquiti APs to save money. We used to have Ruckus and it was dead
simple to set up the Fortigate RSSO, Ruckus Controller,...
Okay, I have it working 90%, and I switched it to a Pure Google SAML iDP
setup instead of Azure. I also made my internal LAN port the Captive
portal INSTEAD of the wireless-facing interface. That ALL went well, but
I am still having a weird issue. I ...
Do you think I could replace the SSID IP Interface (SP) with the IP
address on the Internal Facing Interface and turn on the Captive portal
on that, and then Google SAML SSO will because the captive portal for
ALL users hitting that interface (SP)? T...