Hi, Have an Issue with an IPSec Site-to-Site between set of Fortigate
units:1 x 200E behind a public IP / LAN x 60F behind a
dynamic, natted IP. / LAN'm running 7.0.2 I've
established the tunnel, using dial-in from the 6...
Hi @hbac Just solved the issue by adding a static route in CLI, using as
next-hop the Public IP the Dial-in is natted behind. It seems the
next-hop the GUI wizard for static routes generates is incorrect? Only
strange thing is that I would expect the...
Hi, First thank you for your reply.The routing table shows this:tab=254
vf=0 scope=0 type=1 proto=11 prio=0>
pref= gwy= dev=41(VPN-TO-Korea) The gwy ip address
seems weird, as I would expect it to use ...