Hello, I have an issue with a flow on my fortinet.when I route a
specific host via mgmt interface, I cannot see the traffic passing via
diag sniff packet but when it is routed via another interface I can see
it. Do you have any idea about this behavi...
Hello, I recently installed a new cluster of 3240C by modifiyng the
config file and restoring it via GUi.I noticed after that the interfaces
are not displayed via GUI but I can see them via CLI or when I backup
the config. For information, the proces...
Hello, I have recently used the forticonvertor to convert a checkpoint
config to Forti config BUT the tool didn't retrieve the policy names of
the checkpoint.Has anyone ever experienced this behaviour? My client
needs his policies named and we are lo...
Hello, I want to upgrade my 300D cluster. I am using the GUI.The cluster
upload the firmware (from 5.4.4 to 5.4.6) but doesn't do anything after,
no upgrade, no reboot...It stucks at the end of "loading new system
firmware". Have you ever seen that? ...
Hello,I have a established a VPN between a 300D and a 60D. Users are
facing slowness issues.I have noticed a weird thing! the MTU of the VPN
interface is 1446 (enc 3DES) but when I ping remote machines with
datasize of 1478 it fails first then it wor...
Thank you for the reply.The traffic is correctly offloaded.I noticed
that the MTU is respected if I try to ping the 60D from the 300D but
when the users tries to ping -f from a machine behind the 60D to a
machine behind the 300D, ping -f -l 1472 work...