Hi All, I' m a newbie with the FG systems, and just getting to learn all
the goodies, so please bare with me on my probably silly question: Here
is my scenario: I have a FG200A-HD v4.0.2,build0099,090407 - Transparent
Mode I have a Windows server on ...
Hi All, I have Transparent mode settings for a FG200A-HD unit. I have
WAN1 going to the DataCenter and INTERNAL going to my servers. I have a
class of IP Addresses. 5 of those IPs belong to a specific client who
needs IPS protection, primarily due to...
Hi Abel, I' ve read the docs and I' m not too sure that I understand
them correctly, but here is my understanding of it: Let me skip to the
end of the process and just see if I understand the process: users will
d/l the fortiClient, configure it to h...
anomaly: tcp_src_session, 71 > threshold 70, repeats 29 times OH,. I
wasn' t concerned about the " tcp_reassembler: TCP.Stealth.Activity,
paw" I don' t care for that one,. I do see those, but actually not that
many. My primary concern is this one: " ...
I barely have any traffic, at peek time it stands at 30Mbit, but for the
most part it runs at 20Mbit. So the throughput is not an issue. We have
been running this configuration of blocking traffic for a month and a
half and it seems to run smoothly w...
order, if you would look at what your originally post and the doc, the
ordering is changed ( policy ID 3 & 6 ) Thanks for the complements :)
Did I set it right? Did I miss a step or otherwise need to make
modification? Yes,. ID 3 & 6 were changed fol...
I created a walkthrough document with step-by-step pictures of how I' ve
set up my FG200A-HD to be used for my WebHosting environment. This is a
very simple setup, Transparent mode and just acts as a Firewall and few
IPs with IPS protection. With tha...