FortiSwitch: secure, simple and scalable Ethernet solutions
Article Id 313889

This article describes the steps to undertake when upgrading a FortiSwitch 6xxF series.


The FortiSwitch 6xxF series ships with CPLD firmware 'version 03.04', which randomly reboots while connected to UPS. It is necessary to upgrade the CPLD firmware to version 04.00 or higher.

Scope FortiSwitch 6xxF series.

The FortiSwitch 6xxF series CPLD firmware upgrade steps are as follows.



  1. A TFTP Server installed and running on local Laptop/PC.
  2. CPLD firmware files.
  3. Local and console access to the switch.
  4. A Cat5 cable connected from the Laptop/Desktop NIC to the switch 'mgmt.' interface.


  1. Gain console access to the switch, then login and reboot the switch (via execute reboot).


S648FFTV23000276 login: admin


Welcome !

S648FFTV23000276 # execute reboot

This operation will reboot the system !

Do you want to continue? (y/n)y

System is rebooting...

S648FFTV23000276 #

Saving config.

The system is going down NOW !!

Please stand by while rebooting the system.

reboot: Restarting system


  1. Press the space bar or any key to enter the boot prompt.


FortiSwitch-648F-FPOE (22:46-06.14.2023)

BIOS version : 04000006

Serial number: S648FFTV23000276

Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu... 1


[G]: Get firmware image from TFTP server.

[F]: Format boot device.

[C]: Copy boot device to another one.

[I]: Configuration and Information.

[U]: Upgrade BIOS image.

[R]: Reboot FortiSwitch.

[Q]: Quit menu and continue to boot.

[H]: Display this list of options.


  1. Press [I] and Enter to access the configuration and information menu.


Enter G,F,C,I,U,R,Q,or H: I

[S]: Set serial port baudrate.

[C]: Set DHCP Enabled.

[E]: Set restricted mode.

[T]: Set menu timeout.

[D]: Set active partition.

[P]: Ping an IP address.

[R]: Reset environment to default.

[U]: Upgrade component firmware.

[V]: Set security level.

[I]: Display hardware information.

[B]: Display boot information.

[Q]: Quit this menu.

[H]: Display this list of options.


  1. Press [I] to view the switch hardware information. Note: the current CPLD version is 03.04.


Enter S,C,E,T,D,P,R,U,V,I,B,Q,or H: I


BIOS Build : FortiSwitch-648F-FPOE (22:46-06.14.2023)

BIOS Version : 04000006

Platform ID : S648FF

Part-Number : 27048-04

Serial Number : S648FFTV23000276

MAC Address : 38:c0:ea:a5:3f:d2

CPU Family : X86 C3000

CPU Model : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C3558 @ 2.20GHz

CPU MHz : 2199.730

System Memory : DDR4 SDRAM 4348MB 2133MHz

Flash Memory : SPI 16MB

Hard Disk : 30533 MB

CPU CPLD version : 02

Switch CPLD version : 03.04

PoE Chip : TPS23881

PoE FW version :

Security level : 1 - Check image only

FIPS : Disabled


  1. Press [U] to start a firmware upgrade and [S] to configure upgrade information.


[S]: Set serial port baudrate.

[C]: Set DHCP Enabled.

[E]: Set restricted mode.

[T]: Set menu timeout.

[D]: Set active partition.

[P]: Ping an IP address.

[R]: Reset environment to default.

[U]: Upgrade component firmware.

[V]: Set security level.

[I]: Display hardware information.

[B]: Display boot information.

[Q]: Quit this menu.

[H]: Display this list of options.


Enter S,C,E,T,D,P,R,U,V,I,B,Q,or H: u


[S]: Upgrade Switch CPLD via TFTP

[P]: Upgrade PoE firmware

[Q]: Quit this menu.

[H]: Display this list of options.


Enter S,P,Q or H: s


Enter TFTP server address []:


Enter local address []:


Enter local netmask []:


Enter default gateway []:


Enter Switch CPLD image file name [FF_48P_Ups.jbc]: 20240326_FF_48P_UPS_battery_mode_Ver4_0_CK0285C050.jbc


Loading [ 132906, 132906 ] Success

Current Switch CPLD version : 03.04

!! NOTE: System will reboot automatically after the process is completed.

And all system LED and port LED are off during the upgrade process around 1.5 mins.

Upgrade? (y/n): y





The switch will reboot after the upgrade is completed.


  1. To verify that the CPLD firmware upgraded to the latest version, press any key to get into the boot prompt again.


FortiSwitch-648F-FPOE (22:46-06.14.2023)

BIOS version : 04000006

Serial number: S648FFTV23000276

Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu... 1

[G]: Get firmware image from TFTP server.

[F]: Format boot device.

[C]: Copy boot device to another one.

[I]: Configuration and Information.

[U]: Upgrade BIOS image.

[R]: Reboot FortiSwitch.

[Q]: Quit menu and continue to boot.

[H]: Display this list of options.


Enter G,F,C,I,U,R,Q,or H: i

[S]: Set serial port baudrate.

[C]: Set DHCP Enabled.

[E]: Set restricted mode.

[T]: Set menu timeout.

[D]: Set active partition.

[P]: Ping an IP address.

[R]: Reset environment to default.

[U]: Upgrade component firmware.

[V]: Set security level.

[I]: Display hardware information.

[B]: Display boot information.

[Q]: Quit this menu.

[H]: Display this list of options.


Enter S,C,E,T,D,P,R,U,V,I,B,Q,or H: i


BIOS Build    : FortiSwitch-648F-FPOE (22:46-06.14.2023)

BIOS Version          : 04000006

Platform ID   : S648FF

Part-Number : 27048-04

Serial Number         : S648FFTV23000276

MAC Address          : 38:c0:ea:a4:ce:fe

CPU Family  : X86 C3000

CPU Model   : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C3558 @ 2.20GHz

CPU MHz                : 2199.736

System Memory      : DDR4 SDRAM 4348MB 2133MHz

Flash Memory         : SPI 16MB

Hard Disk      : 30533 MB

CPU CPLD version  : 02

Switch CPLD version         : 04.00

PoE Chip      : TPS23881

PoE FW version      :

Security level : 1 - Check image only

FIPS   : Disabled


  1. Verify that the switch CPLD version upgraded to 04.00.


  1. Press [Q] and then [Q] again to reboot the switch.


[S]: Set serial port baudrate.

[C]: Set DHCP Enabled.

[E]: Set restricted mode.

[T]: Set menu timeout.

[D]: Set active partition.

[P]: Ping an IP address.

[R]: Reset environment to default.

[U]: Upgrade component firmware.

[V]: Set security level.

[I]: Display hardware information.

[B]: Display boot information.

[Q]: Quit this menu.

[H]: Display this list of options.


Enter S,C,E,T,D,P,R,U,V,I,B,Q,or H: q


[G]: Get firmware image from TFTP server.

[F]: Format boot device.

[C]: Copy boot device to another one.

[I]: Configuration and Information.

[U]: Upgrade BIOS image.

[R]: Reboot FortiSwitch.

[Q]: Quit menu and continue to boot.

[H]: Display this list of options.

Enter G,F,C,I,U,R,Q,or H: q


After the switch reboots, login and verify the version through the CLI with the following command:


get hardware status
