I found a solution to the problem.
Reference links are as follows:
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 11, 2020 07:45 PM
From: David Wang
Subject: CS-WF-5: Inappropriate use of Jinja key: 'no filter named 'json_query'' in Jinja template '{{vars.steps.Get_Connector_Details.data.data | json_query(\"[?contains(name, 'code-snippet')].id\") }}'.
Hi FortiSoar Team,
When Running playbook "Playbooks/Collections/11 - Demo/Create Sample Records - IR, Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability Management" failed, error message is " CS-WF-5: Inappropriate use of Jinja key: 'no filter named 'json_query'' in Jinja template '{{vars.steps.Get_Connector_Details.data.data | json_query(\"[?contains(name, 'code-snippet')].id\") }}'.".
Why it says "no filter name 'json_query'".