Hi FortiSoar Team,When Running playbook "Playbooks/Collections/11 -
Demo/Create Sample Records - IR, Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability
Management" failed, error message is " CS-WF-5: Inappropriate use of
Jinja key: 'no filter named 'json_query'' <!-- -->...
I found a solution to the problem. Reference links are as
follows:https://kb.fortinet.com/kb/microsites/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=FD49101&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_KCARTICLE_1_1&dialogID=173652614&stateId=1%200%20173654394%27)-------<!-- --><!-- -->...
Hi Abhishek,Where can I find or learn about what variables and
attributes the FortiSoar have. Thanks so
much.-------------------------------------------Original Message:Sent:
Aug 07, 2020 03:19 PMFrom: Abhishek NarulaSubject: Identifying @ID of
indic<!-- --><!-- -->...