FortiProxy provides enterprise-class protection against internet-borne threats and Advanced Web Content Caching
Article Id 378535
Description This article describes how to do an explicit proxy policy lookup from the CLI with the FortiProxy.
Scope FortiProxy.

On a FortiProxy, it is possible to run an explicit proxy policy lookup using the following command:


diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test <SRC> <WEBPROXY> <REQ> <AUTH-TYPE> [<USERNAME/GROUP>] [<SERVER>]


  • <SRC> is the source IP of the traffic.
  • <WEBPROXY> is the webproxy configured in 'config web-proxy explicit-proxy' section (or in the GUI: 'Proxy Settings -> Explicit Proxy').
  • <REQ> is the requested IP/URI.
  • <AUTH-TYPE> is the Authentication type that can be none, user or group.
  • <USERNAME/GROUP> is the username or group to which the user belongs to.
  • <SERVER> is the name (as it appears in the configuration) of the remote authentication server, or the local authentication server.

Running just the first part will show examples on how to use it:


diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test

diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test <SRC> <WEBPROXY> <REQ> <AUTH-TYPE> [<USERNAME/GROUP>] [<SERVER>]
Example 1: diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "uri=" user user1 ldap_srv
Example 2: diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "ipport=" user user2 local
Example 3: diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "copy then paste exact http request here" none


The output will show the matching policy ID. If the traffic is accepted or blocked, source and destination addresses are configured in the policy and matching user/group.
In the following example, user1's traffic matches proxy policy 4 and the traffic is accepted:


diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "ipport=" user user1 local
firewall policy id: 4
policy_action: accept
srcaddr: all
dstaddr: all
user(group): user1


In the following example, as user1 belongs to the group usr-grp, traffic will match policy 5 and will be denied:


diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "ipport=" user user1 local
firewall policy id: 5
policy_action: deny
srcaddr: all
user(group): usr-grp

If no authentication is used, 'none' can be used for the AUTH-TYPE at the end of the command:


diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "uri=" none
firewall policy id: 3
policy_action: accept
srcaddr: all
user(group): n/a


If no explicit proxy policy is matched, the implicit deny will match and the output will be as follow:


diagnose wad exp-fw-policy-test web-proxy "uri=" none
No policy matched
sec_default_action: deny


Note: This command will not work on a FortiGate, even if the FortiGate can have explicit proxy policies. It is only valid for FortiProxy.
