This article describes a procedure that reboots appliances in a Control Server/Application Server pair configured for High Availability (HA) without causing a failover.
Note the following:
- The steps outlined are for accessing appliances via CLI. If CLI access is not available, contact support for assistance.
- To reboot using the Administration UI, refer to the Power management section of the Administration Guide in the Fortinet Document Library.
- During this process, all management functionality is stopped:
- VLAN switching.
- Captive Portal pages.
- RADIUS processing.
- Registration of endpoints.
Important: If L2 HA configuration, do not access CLI using the Virtual IP (VIP). The VIP becomes inaccessible once the control process is stopped.
Gracefully Shut Down Processes on All Servers.
- Shut down control process in Primary Servers. In Primary Control Server CLI type:
- Wait 30 seconds. This shuts down control processes for both Primary Control and Application Servers.
- To verify Control Process 'Yams' is no longer running, run the following command in Control Server and Application Server CLI:
- Shut down Management process. In each server CLI type:
shutdownNAC -kill
Reboot Appliances.
- In Primary Application Server CLI type:
- Wait 30 seconds.
- In Primary Control Server CLI type:
- Wait until the Primary Control and Application Servers are up and running (by confirming SSH access and Administration UI access). The startup could take anywhere between roughly 5-10 minutes. Suggest waiting that long before attempting to access the UI.
- In Secondary Application Server CLI type:
- In the Secondary Control Server CLI type:
- After 4-5 minutes, confirm that the Administration UI dashboard shows all servers up. The Primary Server(s) should be in control and display the following status:
Primary Servers: Running - In Control
Secondary Servers: Running - Not In Control
On FortiNAC-F the above commands needs to be executed on shell using the following command:
execute enter-shell
$shutdownNAC -kill
Related documents:
Technical Note: How to reboot Control and Application servers via CLI
Guide: CLI reference manual