FortiNAC-F is a zero-trust network access solution that provides users with enhanced visibility into the Internet of Things (IoT) devices on their enterprise networks. For legacy FortiNAC articles prior to FortiNAC-F 7.2, see FortiNAC.
Article Id 324965
Description This article describes how to restore an old Database Backup from FortiNAC-F GUI. In cases of DB corruption, it will be necessary to restore an old DB backup.
Scope FortiNAC-F.
  1. Login into FortiNAC UI with admin privileges.
  2. Navigate to System -> Settings.
  3. Expand the System Management folder.
  4. Select Database Backup/Restore from the tree.
  5. Select the desired backup.
  6. Select Restore Database.
  7. FortiNAC processes will be restarted.


DB restore.png



  • All hosts registered since the date and time of the older database will become rogue again once the database is restored.
  • All devices added into the Topology since the older database time will also be removed.


Related documents:
backup-and-restore GUIDE 
Technical Tip: Restore FortiNAC Database from CLI