FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 367714
Description This article describes how to troubleshoot a FortiSOAR connector having issues connecting to FortiGate.
Scope FortiSOAR, FortiGate.

FortiSOAR requires the following in order to connect to FortiGate:


  • HTTPS access to the FortiGate interface (default port 443).
  • REST API admin with the API KEY configured on FortiSOAR. 
  • A FortiSOAR IP to be configured as Trust Host if the other admin is configured as Trust Host.
  • If multi-VDOM is enabled: 
  1. A VDOM interface IP is required in the Hostname section on FortiSOAR. 
  2. On FortiGate, a network interface is used to in the specified VDOM, with its own IP address and separate subnets, different from the global or root VDOM.

More information : 


Troubleshooting steps :


First, ensure FortiGate receives the traffic from FortiSoar and is allowing the traffic via debug flow:


diagnose sniffer packet any "<FortiSoar IP>" 4 0 l

diagnose debug flow filter address <FortiSoar IP>

diagnose debug flow show function enable
diagnose debug flow iprope enable
diagnose debug flow trace start 100
diagnose debug enable


Stop the process with the following command:


diagnose debug disable


Scenario 1:

Traffic flows from one interface to another on FortiGate. A firewall policy is required to allow it.


Example: Traffic from FortiSOAR comes in via IPsec tunnel and is destined towards Port3 interface.


Create a firewall policy on FortiGate to allow the traffic from the IPsec tunnel to Port3.


Scenario 2:

Traffic is being denied after checking on iPrope 10000f (for Administrative traffic allowed based on the interface allows access).


Debug flow result:

id=65308 trace_id=8497 func=__iprope_check line=2290 msg="gnum-10000f check result: ret-matched, act-drop, flag-00000801, flag2-00000000"
id=65308 trace_id=8497 func=iprope_policy_group_check line=4694 msg="after check: ret-matched, act-drop, flag-00000801, flag2-00000000"
id=65308 trace_id=8497 func=fw_local_in_handler line=606 msg="iprope_in_check() check failed on policy 0, drop"


Verify that the REST API Admin is configured with the correct FortiSoar IP as Trust Host. Ensure that the IP is seen under: 


diagnose firewall iprope list 10000f | grep source


More information is available in Technical Tip: iPrope policies group.


If the FortiSoar IP is not appearing after configuring it under Trust Host, consult with TAC by opening a ticket with the above information collected.
