FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 261751

This article describes how to work around an issue where a token code for a valid user is not accepted when attempting to bypass a FortiGate Blocked Access page.

Scope FortiGate.

In this example, a user tries to access a web page which is blocked by the web filter on FortiGate. The web filter has a group override enabled  and the user is part of the group which is intended to be able to proceed further on the blocked page by authenticating. The user uses a token code as their second authentication factor.



Upon selecting the override option, another window appears prompting the user for a username and password. Even if these are filled correctly, the screen may indicate that authentication failed and will not present another window to submit the token code.





To solve this issue, enter the password and the token as one string in the password field of the login page:



For example, if the password is 'mypassword' and the token code is '342628', enter 'mypassword342628'.