FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 281406
Description This article describes the steps to resolve issues related to LDAP authentication failure when using usernames with domain names 'username@domain.local'.
Scope FortiOS, FortiGate, LDAP.

Navigate to the LDAP settings via FortiGate CLI to understand the current configuration by using commands:


config user ldap
    edit <LDAP Server Name>



Run the following debug commands to check for the error 'No DN is Found'.


diagnose debug enable
diagnose debug application fnbamd 255

diagnose debug enable


If debug logs show 'No DN is found', this output will appear:

[1100] fnbamd_ldap_recv-Response length: 16, server:
[988] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-Received one MESSAGE. ID: 2, type: search-result
[1008] fnbamd_ldap_parse_response-Return code: 0
[1335] __fnbamd_ldap_dn_next-No DN is found.             -> Issue.
[1055] __ldap_rxtx-Changed state to 'Done'


Set the CNID attribute to 'UserPrincipalName' to allow successful authentication using usernames with domain names.

Here are the commands to run on CLI:


config user ldap

    edit <LDAP Server Name>
        set cnid "UserPrincipalName"



Note: Only 'UserPrincipalName' would work for 'username@domain.local', while sAMAccountName and cn are suitable for 'username' and 'domain\username'.