Created on
10:17 PM
Edited on
12:59 AM
Description | This article describes VIP access allowed for internal users only and blocked for external users. |
Scope | FortiGate. |
Solution |
Topology: FGT1----------->FGT2(>PC(
In the above scenario, the PC takes access to FGT1 using the Public IP of FGT2 on port 5444.
Configuration on FGT2 is done as below:
graviton-kvm39 # config firewall vip graviton-kvm39 (vip) # edit "FW-Access" graviton-kvm39 (FW-Access) # show
graviton-kvm39 # config firewall policy graviton-kvm39 (policy) # edit "2" graviton-kvm39 (2) # show
Note: Make sure to enable the source interface in the VIP configuration.
If multiple VIPs are there with different mapped IPs, and different mapped Interfaces, use 'srcintf-filter' to map the VIP to a specific interface as below.
graviton-kvm39 (FW-Access) # set srcintf-filter port4 graviton-kvm39 (FW-Access) # end
Try to access FGT1 with the Public IP of FGT2 from the PC.