FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 252019


This article describes how to upload large files to the support ticket using SFTP.  This access is not enabled by default in all tickets. If required, ask the support engineer to enable it.  Files can be kept in there for up to 15 days. 




SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. It uses an encryption layer on top of an FTP protocol to provide privacy and confidentiality on the files being transferred meaning that this is a secure way to send files to Fortinet TAC when necessary. 
This method can be used to upload large files or to receive Interim builds, specific packages or files from TAC.


  1. Once the SFTP access is enabled, log in to the support portal to access the SFTP credentials.
  2. Select Support > Manage Active Tickets and click on the open ticket number.
  3. Scroll down to the very bottom and click on the SFTP Info.
  4. Select the Show button to reveal the information.


Use the download folder to receive files from Fortinet during ticket troubleshooting. Use the upload folder to send files to Fortinet.



Save the FTP Address, User ID, and Password on a notepad. Use this to connect to the FTP server later.



Whenever the 'Show SFTP Access Information' is selected, a new password is generated for security purposes. The old password is no longer usable after that. 




For demonstration, Filezilla SFTP Client will be used. However, feel free to use the SFTP client preferred. 

Using the Quick Connect option: 




  • Make sure to type sftp:// in the host field like: s
  • Type the username, password, and port 2222, and then, select 'Quick Connect'.
  • Make sure the Server's Fingerprint matches the fingerprint below. 


SFTP Server Host key fingerprint:
Algorithm: ssh-rsa 4096
SHA-256: WPjB8hhQOMNIr1PCv5fbWKOGT4jXTG1IYNgvzhjMxfM=
MD5: 05:6c:10:05:10:c1:15:fa:8d:f1:e9:98:70:52:04:fe




Once Logged in, Under Local Site, select the file and right-click 'Upload'.

Remember to reply/update the ticket informing that new files were uploaded so it can be reviewed. 

Side Notes: 

The following clients are recommended:

  • WinSCP.
  • FileZilla.
  • Cyberduck (MacOS).

Using WinSCP client to quick connection:

  1. Copy and paste the information to the correct frame, then log in:


1.1 WinSCP client to quick connection.PNG



It is also possible to set up the advanced parameters before transferring.


1.2 WinSCP advanced setting.PNG



  1. TAC can download the big files via WinSCP: TAC logged on to the ticket and selected the 'Show/Hide SFTP Access Info'.


2.1. TAC Download the files via WinSCP.png

 2.2 TAC download information.PNG



The username and password can be typed in the TAC LDAP credentials.


2.3 TAC download with own Fortinet AD account.PNG


2.4 continue.PNG



  1. Find the correct upload folder, then select the files as expected, press the 'F5' button, can download the files.


3. Download the files.png