FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 275421

This article describes the expected behavior when it is not possible to configure 'set source-ip' and 'set interface-select-method' under FortiAnalyzer or any other syslog server settings.

Scope FortiGate, SD-WAN.

This issue happens only with the HA-Cluster. Check the ha configuration with the command 'show system ha', and it will be possible to see that 'ha-direct' is enabled.


The ha-direct is needed to use the configured management interface which is configured in the HA setting under 'config ha-mgmt-interfaces' to send log messages to FortiAnalyzer and remote syslog servers, and send SNMP as explained in this KB article:

Technical Tip: Sending messages (logs, SNMP, RADIUS) directly from the HA management interface.

In this case, it will not be possible to configure 'set source-ip' and 'set interface-select-method'.


To configure another interface to communicate with FortiAnalyzer and remote syslog servers there are two solutions:


  1. Disable the ha-direct (but remember in this case configured management interface only be used for management access) by disabling ha-direct. It will be possible to configure 'set source-ip' and 'set interface-select-method' under FortiAnalyzer or any other syslog server settings.


  1. The second solution, as it is still not possible to configure source-ip and interface-select-method because ha-direct is enabled, is to configure another management interface as explained in this KB article: