FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 289965
Description This article describes an issue with SSL VPN users with FortiToken but NTP is not synchronized.
Scope FortiGate, FortiToken.

When a user is connected to an SSL VPN but gets this output: 'Credential or SSLVPN configuration is wrong. (-7200)'.


This assumes that all configurations are correct on the SSL VPN setting, group, and firewall policy:

 SSLVPN connect.png


Run debug on FortiGate for authentication via CLI:


diagnose debug enable
diagnose debug application fnbamd

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # [1937] handle_req-Rcvd auth_token req 539556049 for testuse r in
[429] __compose_group_list_from_req-Group 'testgroup', type 1
local auth is done with user 'testuser', ret=7
[740] create_auth_token_session-Created auth token session 539556049

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # 175900[2048] handle_req-Rcvd auth_token rsp for req 5395560 49
[2097] handle_req-Check token '175900' with user 'testuser'
[2116] handle_req-Verify(user=testuser vdom=root token_code=175900) returns -30113

[2167] handle_req-Token check failed, result -30113
[217] fnbamd_comm_send_result-Sending result 1 (nid 0) for req 539556049, len=21 24
[752] destroy_auth_session-delete session 539556049


Verify if the NTPs are synchronized on FortiGate:


FortiGate-VM64-KVM # diagnose sys ntp status
synchronized: no, ntpsync: enabled, server-mode: disabled

ipv4 server( -- unreachable(0x0) S:7 T:535
no data

FortiGate-VM64-KVM # execute time
current time is: 04:11:09
last ntp sync: never


After the NTP has been synchronized the SSL VPN connection with FortiToken should be connected.
