FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 340469
Description This article describes that SSL VPN cannot connect due to a redirect host check issue, but no host check is turned on.
Scope FortiGate v6.4, v7.2 and above.

User groups are assigned in the SSL VPN portal and policy. However, in some cases,  per user is assigned instead of the user group and defined in the policy, but the user cannot connect to the SSL VPN.



When connecting, FortiClient will not show any error and will return to the login prompt.



FortiGate with SSL VPN portals using tunnel mode with Enabled Based on Policy Destination and Web mode only.


When running the SSL VPN debug, the output behavior is visible as below:


948:root:2c]Auth successful for user ami
[948:root:2c]fam_do_cb:682 fnbamd return auth success.
[948:root:2c]SSL VPN login matched rule (0).
[948:root:2c]User Agent: FortiSSLVPN (Windows NT; SV1 [SV{v=02.01; f=07;}])
[948:root:0]get tunnel link address4
[948:root:2c]rmt_web_session_create:1029 create web session, idx[0]
[948:root:2c]login_succeeded:553 redirect to hostcheck


However, when checking the SSL VPN setting, the host-check configuration is not enabled in any portal because the All Other Users/Groups portal is using only web mode enabled as below:


SSLVPN setting with group LDAP and All Other Users/GroupsSSLVPN setting with group LDAP and All Other Users/GroupsWeb portal settingWeb portal setting


Portal1 settingPortal1 setting



The policy only includes the user as a source, so it should be portal 'WEB', but the portal only enabled web mode. When the user connects from FortiClient to SSL VPN, FortiClient does not prompt any error and goes back to the login prompt.



Ensure that the All Users/Groups portal must enable tunnel mode if the user is connecting via FortiClient.
