FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 225289

This article describes the recommended configuration on the FortiGate for an HTTPS Virtual Server with deep inspection.


Note: Some Low-end models do not support load balancing of secure protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS, and SSL). Check documentation for the version & model in use. v6.2, v6.4, v7.0, v7.2.

Scope FortiGate.
  1. Import the server certificate.

Go to System -> Certificates and select Create/Import -> Certificate.


Import certificateImport certificate


  1. Configure the Virtual Server.

    Go to Policy & Objects -> Virtual Servers and select 'Create New'.


    Virtual Server configurationVirtual Server configuration


    Note: In SSL-offloading choose the imported certificate.



  2. Configure the SSH/SSL profile.

    Go to Security Profiles -> SSL/SSH Inspection and select 'Create New'.


    SSL/SSH profile configurationSSL/SSH profile configuration


    Note: 'Inspect All Ports' should not be set as the port for this setup is already known and it may lead to a performance degradation.



  3. Configure policy.


Go to Policy & Objects -> Firewall Policy and select 'Create New'.


Policy configurationPolicy configuration


Note: Inspection mode must be set to proxy, otherwise the Virtual server will be filtered out in the 'Destination' field.


Related article:

Technical Tip: Configure virtual server