FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 335776


This article describes that FortiGate is now capable of handling the QUIC/TLS handshake and performing deep inspection or certificate inspection for HTTP3 and QUIC traffic.


FortiGate and FortiProxy running 7.4.1 or higher.


QUIC connections can now be inspected using the ssl-ssh-inspection profile. This is possible for version 7.4.1 and higher of FortiGate and FortiProxy.

When firewall policy uses proxy inspection and firewall ssl-ssh-profile has QUIC setting enabled under HTTPS, all traffic with configured HTTPS ports is redirected to WAD for inspection. The same applies to the FortiProxy policy configured as a Transparent proxy.


config firewall ssl-ssh-profile

    edit "custom-inspect-quic"

        config https

            set ports 443

            set status deep-inspection

            set quic inspect




The options available that can be configured are inspect/bypass/block.

The same can be enabled for certificate inspection as well.


DNS over http3 inspection is also now supported.


config firewall ssl-ssh-profile

    edit "custom-inspect-quic"

        config dot

            set quic inspect




Note: QUIC inspection is not supported for the below scenarios:

  1. Explicit-proxy policy configurations currently.

  2. On FortiGate models with 2 GB RAM or less: FortiGate/FortiWiFi 40F, 60E, 60F, 80E, and 90E series and FortiGate-Rugged 60F (2 GB versions only).
    Proxy-related features no longer supported on FortiGate 2 GB RAM models 7.4.4


FG40FI-2 (custom-deep-insp~ion) # config https

FG40FI-2 (https) # set ports 443

FG40FI-2 (https) # set quic inspect

Command parse error before 'quic'
Command fail. Return code -61