FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 190505
This article describes that mobile application such as 'Facebook Messenger', 'What’s App' will not work while using explicit proxy features.

Configuring Explicit proxy on FortiGate and using proxy port in device browser will not allow the traffic for app running in PC or mobile phone if the application is not generating the traffic on port 80/443.
Below the screenshot refer the traffic for 'What’s App' traffic generated over port 5222 not on 80/443 so, in this scenario traffic will not move via explicit policy.

Solution for above case.

Soutlion 1.

Create a new IPv4 policy all the all destination and use web-filter, Application filer for allowing or blocking the traffic.

Solution 2.

Create ISDB policy by allowing Internet service which need to be allowed.

Below Screenshot referred from 'What’s App' that will not provide any support for proxy.
