FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 322761

This article describes how to obtain the firmware of  LTE modem/ 3G4G model Fortigate and how to upgrade them in GUI instead of  TFTP. 

Scope FortiGate

When troubleshooting 3G4G Modem for WWAN or SIM card issues, it is often necessary to upgrade the modem of  LTE or specific ISP vendor compatible firmware for example Telstra in Australia. The Administrative Guide for the upgrade can be found here:


Verify the Parts from FortiGate via the below command. Parts will be user EM75XX:


diagnose system lte-mode modem-detail




The firmware download can be found in the below link:


Once the above download link is, there will be 2 different modes that can be found, which will listed with the above command 'Manufacturer' Parts. In this example, it is necessary to scroll down to the second part which is 7565. See the below screenshot.

FortiGate uses 'Linux Binaries', and 'Generic' Firmware and will be compatible with most of the ISP.

Most FortiGate with LTE modem built-in with the version below, which can be found with the command 'diagnose system lte-mode modem-details'.


In Revision Part:




In this example, the Firmware version will be SWI9X50C_01.08.04.00, and the latest firmware we can find at the above download link will be SWI9X50C_01.14.13.00 for the Linux version.


Select the download button for Linux Binaries and once down, extract the packet to the computer that has access to FortiGate.

After extracting the downloaded packet, there are two files as shown below in the screenshot:




Access FortiGate via GUI. The upgrade can be done from Network-> System -> Interface, 'Double-click' the WWAN interface, at the right-hand side, select the upgrade button:




After selecting the Upgrade button, two files are required:

  1. Firmware File'.
  2. PRI file: select 'Browse' and navigate to the local computer, Firmware File extension will be 'cwe'. See below:




'Double-click' this file, 'browse' the second PRI file. At same extracted folders, it will be possible to find the extension 'nvu' file.





Select 'Upgrade' at the bottom:




The upgrade will be started by itself. This upgrade will not cause a firewall reboot. However, it is recommended to do this action th in the proper maintenance window for any unexpected behavior to roll back.

If any specific firmware is required from the ISP site for example Telstra, try to download a specific version for example below:

Telstra specific drive 