This article describes the procedure to deploy a FortiGate-VM on GCP with the license 'type: Bring Your Own License'.
FGTVM04 license, 4 CPUs.
GCP Account and project-id created.
- On the GCP main menu, go to VPC Network -> VPC Networks and select 'Create VPC Network'.
- Create two VPCs, the first one with the External VPC and the second one assigned to the Internal VPC.
- Go to the Marketplace and type FortiGate to show the available options to deploy the FortiGate-VM on GCP, then select the BYOL license type.
- Under the deployment page, add a name for the VM, select the desired GCP Zone aligned to the VPC subnet region created on the VPC, and select the machine type 'e2-standard-4'
- Select the FortiOS Image version, by default, only one VPC is added on the Networking settings, select 'Add a Network Interface' to add the second VPC, ensure that both the External and Internal VPC are selected, go to the bottom and select 'Deploy'.
- Once the FortiGate-VM on GCP has been deployed, it provides the Admin URL and the Admin temporary password.
- After changing the admin password, the FortiGate-VM license is needed. Select 'Upload', select the BYOL file, and select 'OK'. The FortiGate-VM will reboot to complete the license installation.
- The FortiGate-VM on GCP is ready to use