FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 196632
How to connect Windows 10 client to L2TP VPN network

FortiGate configuration:

- Navigate to GUI: “Users & Device” - “User Groups” --> “Create New”

- Set “Name” and select “Type” --> “OK”

- “Users & Device” - “User Definition” -->“Create New”

- Select “User Type”

- Enter “Username” and “Password”

- Enter “Email Address”

- Select “User Account Status” and “User Group”

- Navigate to GUI: “VPN” - “IPsec Wizard”. Fill in “Name” field, select “Template Type”, “Remote Device Type” -->  “Next”

Select physical “Incoming Interface”, select “Authentication Method”, “Pre-shared Key”, “User Group” --> “Next”

Select “Local Interface”, “Local Address”, fill in “Client Address Range” and “Subnet Mask” fields --> “Create”

Windows configuration:

- Navigate to Windows settings

- Select “VPN” and then hit “Add a VPN connection” button

- Fill in all necessary fields and hit “Save” button

- After that connect to L2TP VPN network

- Connection is established

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