Description |
This article describes how to configure a FortiGate Rugged unit to act as a DNP3 proxy server. With this functionality, the FortiGate-Rugged can receive TCP/IP-based DNP3 polls from a Master station and act as a network proxy for a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) attached to its onboard DB9 serial port.
Master Station (via TCP/IP) -> FortiGate -> Serial-based RTU |
Scope |
FortiGate Rugged on FortiOS 7.0 and later (dnp3-proxy is not present on non-Rugged FortiGates). |
Solution |
DNP3 proxy functionality can be configured under '# config system dnp3-proxy' as follows:
# config system dnp3-proxy set status <enable | disable> set port <1-65535, default = 20000> set term-baudrate <19200 | 38400, default = 19200> set term-databits <0-65535, default = 8> set term-stopbits <0-65535, default = 1> set term-parity <none | odd | even, default = none> set term-flowcontrol <none | xon_xoff | hardware, default = none>
Important Notes: - The 'set status' option was added in FortiOS 7.0.8 and 7.2.4. Prior to this, DNP3 proxy functionality was always-on for FortiGate-Rugged units with no option to disable it (See Bug #686135 in the FortiOS Release Notes).
- For the 'set term-baudrate' option, older FortiOS versions may list 9600 as an option, but FortiGate Rugged 60F does not support this option and it has been removed in FortiOS 7.0.8 and 7.2.4 as per Bug #836573.
- At this time, it is recommended to use the default port and term-baudrate values of 20000 and 19200 respectively where possible. A known-issue exists where using non-default values for the above settings will work until a reboot occurs, after which the settings must be unset and reapplied in order to take effect again.
Troubleshooting Tips: - Admins can run '# diagnose debug application dnp -1', followed by '# diagnose debug enable' to view debug output for the DNP process on the FortiGate Rugged.
- Packet captures on the FortiGate are also recommended methods for confirming that polls are arriving successfully from the DNP3 Master. |