FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 355824

This article describes how to change the LDAP user and group cache on FortiGate configured as explicit proxy.

Scope FortiGate v7.4.2+

Starting with v7.4.2 the following commands were introduced:


diagnose debug enable
diagnose test app wad 250

diagnose test application wad 1900xyz <----- Change the user cache time (xyz=minutes).
diagnose test application wad 1910xyz <----- Change the Group cache time (xyz=minutes).


The example below changes the user and group timers from default 1440 to 10 minutes:


get system status
Version: FortiGate-VM64-KVM v7.4.2,build2571,231219 (GA.F)

diag test app wad 1900010
Change user cache flushing timeout from: 1400 to 10

diag test app wad 1910010
Change group cache flushing timeout from: 1400 to 10



By default, the cache refresh interval is set to 24 hours (1400 minutes), and, in environments where there are frequent changes, a lower value might be needed.