FortiGate Next Generation Firewall utilizes purpose-built security processors and threat intelligence security services from FortiGuard labs to deliver top-rated protection and high performance, including encrypted traffic.
Article Id 354353
Description This article describes some hints on the email validation process when configuring email collection for guest access on SSIDs.
Scope FortiOS with Email Collection SSIDs.

Start by configuring the email collection on the relevant SSID as per the related KB articles above. On connecting to the SSID configured to collect emails as above, it will open the disclaimer page as follows:




After accepting the disclaimer agreement by ticking the checkbox, it is then allowed to set the email into the Email field. Note that the email consists of two portions, the username portion and the domain portion.


Domain portion:


In case of using a disallowed special character, it will show an error alert message. Special charters such as: '[ ( “ ‘ _ / : ; * ! # $ & % @ ) ]', etc. are not allowed, only the dash '–' and dot '.' special characters are allowed.




In addition, if the domain name in general looks suspicious or is not a real domain as per the FortiOS validation process the email collection will not work. In this case, there is no error alert message. The email collection page will refresh and there is a need to start over again.


For example, the following domain will not work as follows:




The email collection page will refresh and there is a need to start over again as follows:


email collect reset.PNG


FortiGate performs a valid authentication if the email domain and MX records of the email domain being used for authentication are reached and resolved by the DNS that FortiGate is currently using. If the FortiGate is using private DNS, these must be able to resolve the email domain and the MX records that correspond to this domain.

Review the following to ensure correct validation.

  • The DNS settings are correct on the FortiGate.
  • A valid route that will allow the FortiGate to reach the DNS servers.
  • The DNS server returns an MX record for this domain name.

DNS settings on the FortiGate must be correct to reach the email domain and MX records.
There must be a valid route that allows the FortiGate to reach the email DNS servers.

Either of these being incorrect can cause all email validation to fail

Username portion:

Valid only for the following special characters dash '–' underscore '_' and dot '.', however, other special characters are disallowed. Note that the username portion does not show any error alert message. It will just refresh the email collection page and there is a need to start over again.


Username working example:


user_name works.PNG


Username non-working example:


user^name not work.PNG



In the case of the non-working example, the email collection page will refresh and there is a need to start over again as indicated above.


Related article:

Technical Tip: How to collect email addresses for guest access